Free web hosting offers you what other free web hosting services out there simply cannot. We give you the full range of tools and resources you need for creating all kinds of websites.
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What we offer
Free hosting package is perfectly suitable for lightweight websites like Wordpress blog, Internet forum, or website built with our Site Builder. On average, free account can serve roughly 30000 daily visitors of PHP-based website, or virtually unlimited visitors of pure HTML website. We do not limit availability of your website – it will be online 24 hours a day.
100% free hosting for lifetime
There is no free trial period – free hosting is valid for the entire lifetime of your domain.
Hosting for your own domain name
You can host your own domain name with us even if it was registered elsewhere. If you don't have one – we can register it for you at competitive price.
Unmetered bandwidth
You can offer unlimited downloads to your visitors as long as your website comply with our Fair Use Policy.
Linux / Apache / PHP / MySQL
Our hosting platform is compatible with majority of modern web applications. PHP has all functions enabled.
One-time billed addons
With growth of your website you may require more resources at some point in time. We offer one-time billed addons so you can extend your account and keep hosting for free.
What we do not offer
Our aim is to keep our servers clean from malware, phishing, and other malicious activities posing threat to Internet users. It does not mean that we judge before knowing you, but today's reality is that we can not predict intentions of every user who signs up. In order to prevent misuse of our services we had to apply certain limitations to free hosting accounts. In turn our servers are never blacklisted so you can always expect your email message to reach it's recipient, and Internet users to reach your website.
Free subdomain hosting
We do not provide hosting for free subdomains like user.somedomain.tld. You need to own a registered domain to host with us.
Free domain hosting
We do not host free domains like .TK, .ML, .GA, and so on. It doesn't cost much to register a domain and host it with us for free.
PHP mail() and sendmail program
Scripts mailing functionality is disabled by default on free accounts. It is available as one-time billed addon or as part of paid subscription.
Server configuration changes
Our servers are perfectly configured to handle activity on legitimate websites. If you need more resources – please upgrade.
Services for users from selected countries
We do not provide any services to users from Brazil, Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Vietnam.
Free package details
Here is the complete list of what free hosting package includes.
Industry standard web-based control panel that provides management interface for your hosting account accessible from anywhere.
Learn MoreSite Builder
You can create a responsible website without design or coding knowledge. Just choose from 170+ predesigned templates and add your own content.
Learn MoreApps Installer
Choose from 400+ web applications and install in a few clicks. No post-install configurations required – everything is done automatically.
Learn MoreMailbox @ your domain
Guaranteed delivery
Spam control
Unlimited FTP accounts
Web disk support
Web-based file manager
Directory password protection
Disk usage viewer
MySQL database server
InnoDB storage engine
Unlimited MySQL queries
Unlimited query time
Apache / PHP 7
.htaccess support
All common Apache modules
All common PHP extensions
All PHP functions enabled
PHP Safe mode switched off
256 MB PHP memory limit
200 MB upload file size
60 seconds PHP execution time
Available upgrades
With growth of your website, you may become in need of additional resources at some point in time. We realize that in certain circumstances you only need to increase allowance of particular resource rather than entire account upgrade. We offer alternative to upgrade – one-time billed addons: you buy once and keep using your account for free.
Additional mailbox
Additional e-mail account for your website. Also available in increase of 3 at once.
Enable one subdomain allowance. Also available in increase of 3 at once.
Enable support of SSL encryption (https://). Comes with free SSL certificate.
$29.95Additional MySQL database
Additional MySQL database for your website. Also available in increase of 3 at once.
$24.95Domain alias
One domain alias for your website. Also available in increase of 3 at once.
$4.95PHP mail() + sendmail
Enables PHP scripts to use mail() function to send email.
$29.95Network for scripts
Enables PHP scripts to access remote resources and make remote API calls.
$19.95Shell access
Enables terminal access via SSH to hosting server.
Allows server-side execution of routine tasks based on defined schedule.
Ability to choose between PHP interpreter versions 5.6 or 7.
$19.95DNS Zone Editor
Ability to configure all supported DNS zone records besides MX record.
$19.95Hands-on support
Fixes or configuration performed by our technical support team. Billed per task.
$30Frequently Asked Questions
What is a domain name and web hosting?
Domain name is a unique identifier of your website on Internet, while web hosting is a space on server linked to your domain, where you can upload web pages.
Can I host my own domain with
Yes. You will just need to change nameservers on your domain to NS1.FREEHOSTING.COM and NS2.FREEHOSTING.COM
Can I host my site on free subdomain?
No. We do not offer subdomain based hosting. The reason is explained above on this page.
How do I make a website?
Our control panel gives you plenty of options to create instant websites with premade scripts and web-interface site builder. You create a website using your favorite program and then upload to your web space using an FTP program or File Manager.
Is it really free? Are there hidden charges?
We provide 100% free web hosting services. You will not be required to pay unless you choose to register a domain name with us or buy an upgrade.
What content is allowed on free websites?
We host all types of legal content.
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