Domain registration
Create your memorable Internet identity.
What is a domain name?
Domain name is a unique identifier of your website on Internet. It consists of letters, numbers, and can contain hyphens. Usually webmasters choose a domain name that corresponds to their name, name of their business, or nature of website helping Internet users to reach them easily.
Domain name must be registered before it can be used. Domain can be registered in a Top Level Domain (TLD) zone that better describes the purpose of website. Historically there were three TLD zones: .com, .net, and .org which stood for commercial websites, network technology companies, and non-profit entities. Today over 1200 TLD zones exist increasing opportunities for new domain registration.
Why do I need a domain?
On the Internet, your domain name is your unique identity. Any individual, business or organization planning to have an Internet presence should invest in a domain name. Having your own domain name, website and email addresses will give you and your business a more professional look. Another reason for a business to register a domain name is to protect copyrights and trademarks, build creditability, increase brand awareness, and search engine positioning.
When Internet users want to view your website, all they need to do is type your domain name into their browser. Their computer will then connect to web hosting server and your webpages will be delivered to them through the browser.
How much does it cost?
Domain registration prices have dropped significantly over the past years. If, for example, 20 years ago annual registration of .com domain was $35, now you can register it for only $14.99 a year. Our prices for registration, renewals, and transfers are available here.
Domain name can be registered for a minimum term of one year and maximum of ten years after which registration expires. Domain can be renewed at any time for up to ten years.
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